Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mikey's farm

Several weeks ago, Allen and I drove an hour east, to the USGS-proclaimed darkest part of Georgia, to see our first-rate former roommate, Michael H W. Mike was down for the summer from med school and was playing country doctor while minding the family farm. The farm is incredibly beautiful, and besides serving as the set for Halloween II, it's been a camping trip destination since high school.

Mike's a great cook, and one of his made-from-scratch specialties is pizza. He built a wood-burning oven on the farm for just that purpose, and we offered to help consume the fruits of his labor.

There were plenty of great toppings from which to choose, but the best was a white pizza with buttermilk roux, rosemary, and pecans. Someday I'll get Mike to give me the recipe.

There were also chickens onsite, and they needed wrangling for the quick commute to a neighboring farm. (Happily, we only met the hens who'd been spared the slaughter.)


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